Monday, March 7, 2011

Yesterday was better

than today.

Our dryer has gone out. Broken fan. This is not good in anyone's home. Of course we just compound the problem by cloth diapering 2 kiddos and have 10 beings running around here. Laundry piles up easily and very quickly. I hate seeing dirty laundry. Maybe because it is a never ending task. Don't worry there will be three loads to greet you in the morning, regardless of what you get done the night before.

I just quit a part time job. I did find something to replace with it. But of course the chaos I was attempting to leave is still nipping at my heels. The silly company has not paid me my last paycheck. Of course I get the proverbial "the checks in the mail".

The other parts of my day went well. I had the energy to smile and engage with the kids. Teeth brushed, hair combed, dressed and the little ones were off. The older children were great helpers to me. Toward the evening I was just wiped out.

My former midwife, soon to be preceptor stopped by for a chat. It was great talking with her. I am such a hermit I may go literally months without talking to a girlfriend "really talking" and than when I finally get to sit and chat I feel like I missed it.

Hubby made it through 2 jobs today. I was able to see him briefly in between. I hope he is able to sleep well tonight. I hope I am as I have a double myself to look forward to.

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