I have quietly mentioned trying to get a handle on clothing purchases. We don't spend a lot of money on clothes. We shop thrift, hand-me downs, and sales. I am looking to try and get away from that hurried someone needs something and they need it right now, kind of thing we have going on right now. I want to can create a budget and remain within it. I also want to begin to plan for the season ahead, not the current one. We have four definite seasons and we have to dress for each one. Buy scouring sales I hope by the end of this summer to be fully prepared for the fall, maybe even the winter.
So on this journey, I wanted to purchase good quality soft sole shoes for DS4. Purchasing quality items = good green choice + longevity. Now either may not always hold true, but I'm making an effort to purchase quality in less quanity. Trying to have a minimalist thinking. If good pair of shoes is better than four lesser quality ones better for your feet, last longer so maybe less money in the long run. I'm trying to figure that out.
Enter Woolly Bottoms. While learning about cloth diapering, I discovered the wonders of wool. I noticed her slippers and liked them. I bought a pair for DS3 and they are great quality, warm, easy to care for and she makes them herself. I wanted to purchase a pair for DS4, after that everyone would have their inside shoes and I could focus on summer shoes. But with their slippers you have to grab them quick. It took 3 months.
Finally I nabbed them. I had to wait around, keep my trigger finger ready and than type like a mad woman.
Baby Boy has his slippers, now we are all set.
What!? DS1 just showed me his slippers, they have a hole, a huge hole on the bottom of the sole! Okay, now I'm saving my pennies for some Smartwool sippers for the one who believes he can't pick up his feet but drags them. Or maybe I'll just purchase some quick drying cement.
Excuse me while I cry in defeat.
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