That is sound going off in my head right now. I had planned to a post on spring, and to post it on Monday. But all my plans, smiles, and ideas came to a screeching halt.
I think everyone, around this time of year, begins to feel a little anxious. Most are eager to spend more time outdoors, gardening, sprucing up the house. I am waiting for the smell of cut grass, sounds of the ice cream truck, and the warmth of sun drying clothes on an outside line. So on our morning walks, the kids and I have been looking for signs. Buds on trees, green foliage, jackets instead of parkas and of course our dear state bird the robin.
We have been enjoying our walks. The children using their logic and reasoning skills explaining why they focused on one item or another. I purchased a curriculum specific for outdoor nature work. People-- I was gearing up for a good ole time. Summer is around the corner, oh happy days. This is where sound of those tires come in.
We have had 3 days of torrential rains and just so you know I am not lying here is a look at my upcoming forecast.
How could I forget! How can I not remember where I live! While March 21st may be the first day of spring on the calendar, around here we wear parkas until May. I forgot I live in Wisconsin. The state synonymous with words like glaciers, frozen tundra, blizzards, 12" snow drifts, and the oh so popular what no -5 degrees does not constitute a snow day. I became a little more than bummed. Thoughts of frolicking babies, and carefree outdoor lessons was snatched from me like a thief in the night.
During this turn in weather we had errands to run. When we finally made it home we were completely soaked and cold. Chilled to the bone, shaking. So everyone needed to change, after warm baths, we all donned fleece pj's, wool slippers, and our plush terry robes. We all chatted over some hot chocolate and than spent the evening cuddled in bed reading to each other. long as I am surrounded by their wonderful faces and a few small comforts, I guess I can wait for old man winter finally looses his grip on this state. Without further ado, our first signs of spring:

pack you bags and head to phoenix with me! :) ...dreaming about warm weather
ReplyDeleteI am SO there woman!!!