Thursday, March 24, 2011

Things I Know

From Yah For Home!

I need to be more careful with that chat widget inside of gmail, because for the 2nd time I have told someone I never met and only emailed 2x that I love them more than anything (thought I clicked on my husband's icon).

Dinner needs to begin at 330pm no later or there won't be any dinner.

children love routines, and I need to work on mine.

doing this natural parenting things usually means going it alone for me.

I love the time I have at home

God does not judge me for the food I eat, toys I buy, all thing in moderation

God gave me a brain and free will to make decisions that impact my family

God does not send me specific signs, like parting the cereal aisle and only leaving HIS choice standing, and so I bounce back and forth, organic, natural, cheapest, grab what my PMS demands

I had great plans to blog and do a little cleaning/organizing but a 2 year old is calling my name and if I don't get moving it will turn to a blood screeching scream shortly.


  1. There is a definite window of opportunity for starting dinner!

    Thanks for joining in!

  2. oh dear on the chat thing... I've done similar myself though, so at least you are not alone!

  3. I have been double checking when I text hubby lately. I almost sent the wrong test to my dad the other day...can you imagine?

  4. hi Berta,

    So nice to finally get a moment to stop by. I think we all can relate to this post ;)

  5. I love that you started this Shae, I'm glad to follow in your trails, you ladies are so honest and witty.

  6. Darcel & KateF, b4 u know it we will be proposing or propositioning the wrong person, so utterly grandma use to say just hanging your draw'rs for the whole world to see lol
