or as I feel today, things I am pretty darn sure about...
I love these posts. I see the funny, the frustrating, and what is important. I see how we are all very similar. I enjoy smiling to myself as I read through the post. Please join Yah for Home, it's her idea and just a follower....
I still get butterflies when I see my husband's profile and I really know what large closets are for
diversity mean inclusion, I laugh, learn and have empathy because my friends are different from me in age, race, class, family status, and oh boy moral stature. It's not enough to be want diversity or to tolerate diversity we must BE diverse.
my kids are going to be some kind of wacko crunchy opinionated bugaboos....all we watch is documentaries and read articles, they even request them. Mom we are not going to THAT store are we you know they.....oh just shut up and come on
crockpot crockpot crockpot....next week I will know how to make 3 square meals @ day from the most remarkable, time saving , saving grace peace equipment that a working homeschooling momma of 8 could have
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
A little sadness
I was reading this postBeautopotamus: I'm having a crisis and I started to thing of how I was feeling about age, growing older, wider , lol.
The last week or so I have been blue. I thought it could be winter, dragging on, it's enough to drive anyone insane, especially with bouts of sunshine and 60 degree only to see clouds and 20 the next. I also thought maybe it is the onset of one of my episodes, I do have clinical depression. Trickle, trickle, a weird feeling came over me, went to the bathroom, oh, oh it's y period. Explains it right.
Don't think I am too loopy, I have not had a period in maybe 3 years or more, I have breastfed my last 4 children, continually until another bump began showing. So I forgot what changes and mood swings my body goes through.
This time around the sadness is a little deeper. This monthly flow, and maybe every monthly flow afterward is a remainder that I will never carry a baby in my belly, as the youngest kids say, again. My DH and I decided that eight was enough. I am filled with a sadness and a slight empty feeling hard to explain.
I don't WANT another baby. I am more than happy with our wonderful family. I guess it is just a woman thing. I enjoy being a mom, I enjoy carrying life, I enjoy nourishing life. I also enjoy nurturing life.
I there also is a renewed desire to cherish the babies around me. Never again will I have a 9 month old, a 2 year old, 4 year old, 6 year old, 9 year old, 11 year old, 14 year old and a 17 year old. I will enjoy their smiles and laughter a bit more. I want to kiss each bruise and fall with new vigor. I want to be fully present for them.
In the end this is why we chose to stop, so we could completely embrace the ones that are here. I will have time and energy for each of their requests, antics, and needs. I love them. I love being their mommy. This was our choice, not influenced by family, society, religion. Just a mom and a dad trying to figure out what is best. While I miss what could have been, what has passed, I am grateful for a husband who worked with me. I am grateful for children who embraced each and every new gift. I am grateful for the few friends that did not judge or scoff. I will feel and embrace this sadness, but use that emotion to love the ones that are right here.
The last week or so I have been blue. I thought it could be winter, dragging on, it's enough to drive anyone insane, especially with bouts of sunshine and 60 degree only to see clouds and 20 the next. I also thought maybe it is the onset of one of my episodes, I do have clinical depression. Trickle, trickle, a weird feeling came over me, went to the bathroom, oh, oh it's y period. Explains it right.
Don't think I am too loopy, I have not had a period in maybe 3 years or more, I have breastfed my last 4 children, continually until another bump began showing. So I forgot what changes and mood swings my body goes through.
This time around the sadness is a little deeper. This monthly flow, and maybe every monthly flow afterward is a remainder that I will never carry a baby in my belly, as the youngest kids say, again. My DH and I decided that eight was enough. I am filled with a sadness and a slight empty feeling hard to explain.
I don't WANT another baby. I am more than happy with our wonderful family. I guess it is just a woman thing. I enjoy being a mom, I enjoy carrying life, I enjoy nourishing life. I also enjoy nurturing life.
I there also is a renewed desire to cherish the babies around me. Never again will I have a 9 month old, a 2 year old, 4 year old, 6 year old, 9 year old, 11 year old, 14 year old and a 17 year old. I will enjoy their smiles and laughter a bit more. I want to kiss each bruise and fall with new vigor. I want to be fully present for them.
In the end this is why we chose to stop, so we could completely embrace the ones that are here. I will have time and energy for each of their requests, antics, and needs. I love them. I love being their mommy. This was our choice, not influenced by family, society, religion. Just a mom and a dad trying to figure out what is best. While I miss what could have been, what has passed, I am grateful for a husband who worked with me. I am grateful for children who embraced each and every new gift. I am grateful for the few friends that did not judge or scoff. I will feel and embrace this sadness, but use that emotion to love the ones that are right here.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Basic Chateuse Recycled Wool Slippers, sz 1824m
Basic Chateuse Recycled Wool Slippers, sz 1824m:
I have quietly mentioned trying to get a handle on clothing purchases. We don't spend a lot of money on clothes. We shop thrift, hand-me downs, and sales. I am looking to try and get away from that hurried someone needs something and they need it right now, kind of thing we have going on right now. I want to can create a budget and remain within it. I also want to begin to plan for the season ahead, not the current one. We have four definite seasons and we have to dress for each one. Buy scouring sales I hope by the end of this summer to be fully prepared for the fall, maybe even the winter.
So on this journey, I wanted to purchase good quality soft sole shoes for DS4. Purchasing quality items = good green choice + longevity. Now either may not always hold true, but I'm making an effort to purchase quality in less quanity. Trying to have a minimalist thinking. If good pair of shoes is better than four lesser quality ones better for your feet, last longer so maybe less money in the long run. I'm trying to figure that out.
Enter Woolly Bottoms. While learning about cloth diapering, I discovered the wonders of wool. I noticed her slippers and liked them. I bought a pair for DS3 and they are great quality, warm, easy to care for and she makes them herself. I wanted to purchase a pair for DS4, after that everyone would have their inside shoes and I could focus on summer shoes. But with their slippers you have to grab them quick. It took 3 months.
Finally I nabbed them. I had to wait around, keep my trigger finger ready and than type like a mad woman.
-"notice the sold out sign, is because of me :)
Baby Boy has his slippers, now we are all set.
What!? DS1 just showed me his slippers, they have a hole, a huge hole on the bottom of the sole! Okay, now I'm saving my pennies for some Smartwool sippers for the one who believes he can't pick up his feet but drags them. Or maybe I'll just purchase some quick drying cement.
Excuse me while I cry in defeat.
I have quietly mentioned trying to get a handle on clothing purchases. We don't spend a lot of money on clothes. We shop thrift, hand-me downs, and sales. I am looking to try and get away from that hurried someone needs something and they need it right now, kind of thing we have going on right now. I want to can create a budget and remain within it. I also want to begin to plan for the season ahead, not the current one. We have four definite seasons and we have to dress for each one. Buy scouring sales I hope by the end of this summer to be fully prepared for the fall, maybe even the winter.
So on this journey, I wanted to purchase good quality soft sole shoes for DS4. Purchasing quality items = good green choice + longevity. Now either may not always hold true, but I'm making an effort to purchase quality in less quanity. Trying to have a minimalist thinking. If good pair of shoes is better than four lesser quality ones better for your feet, last longer so maybe less money in the long run. I'm trying to figure that out.
Enter Woolly Bottoms. While learning about cloth diapering, I discovered the wonders of wool. I noticed her slippers and liked them. I bought a pair for DS3 and they are great quality, warm, easy to care for and she makes them herself. I wanted to purchase a pair for DS4, after that everyone would have their inside shoes and I could focus on summer shoes. But with their slippers you have to grab them quick. It took 3 months.
Finally I nabbed them. I had to wait around, keep my trigger finger ready and than type like a mad woman.
Baby Boy has his slippers, now we are all set.
What!? DS1 just showed me his slippers, they have a hole, a huge hole on the bottom of the sole! Okay, now I'm saving my pennies for some Smartwool sippers for the one who believes he can't pick up his feet but drags them. Or maybe I'll just purchase some quick drying cement.
Excuse me while I cry in defeat.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Friday Five

Okay okay I almost forgot about the fact. Please join Simple Life and let us know 5 facts about you too.
I hate peas, I love pods, the casing around the peas makes me gag, the casing around beans makes me gag, but if they are smooched they are divine
I want to be a morning person, I am so NOT a morning person
I am a closet hermit. I want nothing more than to be a vagabond, maybe later, for now I raise the kiddos and try really hard to be sociable...how am I doing :)
My dh is 8 years my junior. There I said it. He is my young stud, love keeping him happy. I feel as though I dreamed him, as if all those times as when I thought of my prince it was he. Except when I want to let out a pack of wild dogs to chase him away, that doesn't happen too many times.
Head on over to Simple Life and join in...
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Things I Know
From Yah For Home!
I need to be more careful with that chat widget inside of gmail, because for the 2nd time I have told someone I never met and only emailed 2x that I love them more than anything (thought I clicked on my husband's icon).
Dinner needs to begin at 330pm no later or there won't be any dinner.
children love routines, and I need to work on mine.
doing this natural parenting things usually means going it alone for me.
I love the time I have at home
God does not judge me for the food I eat, toys I buy, all thing in moderation
God gave me a brain and free will to make decisions that impact my family
God does not send me specific signs, like parting the cereal aisle and only leaving HIS choice standing, and so I bounce back and forth, organic, natural, cheapest, grab what my PMS demands
I had great plans to blog and do a little cleaning/organizing but a 2 year old is calling my name and if I don't get moving it will turn to a blood screeching scream shortly.
I need to be more careful with that chat widget inside of gmail, because for the 2nd time I have told someone I never met and only emailed 2x that I love them more than anything (thought I clicked on my husband's icon).
Dinner needs to begin at 330pm no later or there won't be any dinner.
children love routines, and I need to work on mine.
doing this natural parenting things usually means going it alone for me.
I love the time I have at home
God does not judge me for the food I eat, toys I buy, all thing in moderation
God gave me a brain and free will to make decisions that impact my family
God does not send me specific signs, like parting the cereal aisle and only leaving HIS choice standing, and so I bounce back and forth, organic, natural, cheapest, grab what my PMS demands
I had great plans to blog and do a little cleaning/organizing but a 2 year old is calling my name and if I don't get moving it will turn to a blood screeching scream shortly.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Spring has arrived.....WHAT
(sounds of screeching tires)
That is sound going off in my head right now. I had planned to a post on spring, and to post it on Monday. But all my plans, smiles, and ideas came to a screeching halt.
I think everyone, around this time of year, begins to feel a little anxious. Most are eager to spend more time outdoors, gardening, sprucing up the house. I am waiting for the smell of cut grass, sounds of the ice cream truck, and the warmth of sun drying clothes on an outside line. So on our morning walks, the kids and I have been looking for signs. Buds on trees, green foliage, jackets instead of parkas and of course our dear state bird the robin.
We have been enjoying our walks. The children using their logic and reasoning skills explaining why they focused on one item or another. I purchased a curriculum specific for outdoor nature work. People-- I was gearing up for a good ole time. Summer is around the corner, oh happy days. This is where sound of those tires come in.
We have had 3 days of torrential rains and just so you know I am not lying here is a look at my upcoming forecast.
How could I forget! How can I not remember where I live! While March 21st may be the first day of spring on the calendar, around here we wear parkas until May. I forgot I live in Wisconsin. The state synonymous with words like glaciers, frozen tundra, blizzards, 12" snow drifts, and the oh so popular what no -5 degrees does not constitute a snow day. I became a little more than bummed. Thoughts of frolicking babies, and carefree outdoor lessons was snatched from me like a thief in the night.
During this turn in weather we had errands to run. When we finally made it home we were completely soaked and cold. Chilled to the bone, shaking. So everyone needed to change, after warm baths, we all donned fleece pj's, wool slippers, and our plush terry robes. We all chatted over some hot chocolate and than spent the evening cuddled in bed reading to each other.
Okay....as long as I am surrounded by their wonderful faces and a few small comforts, I guess I can wait for old man winter finally looses his grip on this state. Without further ado, our first signs of spring:
That is sound going off in my head right now. I had planned to a post on spring, and to post it on Monday. But all my plans, smiles, and ideas came to a screeching halt.
I think everyone, around this time of year, begins to feel a little anxious. Most are eager to spend more time outdoors, gardening, sprucing up the house. I am waiting for the smell of cut grass, sounds of the ice cream truck, and the warmth of sun drying clothes on an outside line. So on our morning walks, the kids and I have been looking for signs. Buds on trees, green foliage, jackets instead of parkas and of course our dear state bird the robin.
We have been enjoying our walks. The children using their logic and reasoning skills explaining why they focused on one item or another. I purchased a curriculum specific for outdoor nature work. People-- I was gearing up for a good ole time. Summer is around the corner, oh happy days. This is where sound of those tires come in.
We have had 3 days of torrential rains and just so you know I am not lying here is a look at my upcoming forecast.
How could I forget! How can I not remember where I live! While March 21st may be the first day of spring on the calendar, around here we wear parkas until May. I forgot I live in Wisconsin. The state synonymous with words like glaciers, frozen tundra, blizzards, 12" snow drifts, and the oh so popular what no -5 degrees does not constitute a snow day. I became a little more than bummed. Thoughts of frolicking babies, and carefree outdoor lessons was snatched from me like a thief in the night.
During this turn in weather we had errands to run. When we finally made it home we were completely soaked and cold. Chilled to the bone, shaking. So everyone needed to change, after warm baths, we all donned fleece pj's, wool slippers, and our plush terry robes. We all chatted over some hot chocolate and than spent the evening cuddled in bed reading to each other.
Okay....as long as I am surrounded by their wonderful faces and a few small comforts, I guess I can wait for old man winter finally looses his grip on this state. Without further ado, our first signs of spring:

Friday, March 18, 2011
Friday Five
I love her idea so I would like to tag along:
1. The sun makes me smile, always. I love to feel it. I love to see it. It is inspirational when it comes from out behind a cloud. If every I am in a bad mood. Find the nearest sunny spot and sit me in it, for about 10 minutes, I'll come back a new woman.
2. I hate bedtime. No I like to sleep, but I have not got any rhythm set up for the kids. I am either so tired that by 8 830 I am like go you to bed, vanish now, or because I work 3rd shift I am so focused on what I need to get done so I can get out of the house. So sorry kids. I am really working on it.
3. I love jelly beans. Well honestly I love Brach's Jelly Beans which only come out during this time of the year. So I just recently sent my husband to the store at 10:50pm to begin my stockpile.
4. I have to do laundry everyday. It begins to look like a blob, or the thing, or it, something, something smelly. I also have no room for piles of clothes to hang around. So I do roughly 3-4 loads each and everyday. Of course that includes cloth diapers.
5. Blogging frightens me. I am not that interesting, I'm pretty pathetic, I am a complete mess, I have so much to work on, and by putting my ideas and thoughts in black and white, you just might find that out to.
What's are some facts about you?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Clothes for 10
This is really an all encompassing question. Though I know most people look at the financial aspect of a larger than normal family.
I read, follow, many blogs, most of which involve some level of frugal, cheap, buy it for less type thinking. I am not a coupon queen, not in the least. It is actually an area in which I know I could grow in. However, I still find my share of deals. I constantly sign up for the frequent buyer cards, member cards, get on email/mailing list of stores I frequent. I usually check clearance areas first and most importantly I am a lover of all things used!
I am working on getting a season ahead. Meaning, buying next year's winter clothes around this time. I'm not there yet. This shopping trip detailed below got me a lot closer to that goal.
I receive daily emails from Land's End announcing sales and new arrivals. This was a recent sale. 25% off anything plus free shipping - no minimum. Our toddler was in need of some shoes. So I purchased these shoes which are regularly $34.50. I purchased them from their Overstock section, applied the coupon and the total, including tax and shipping was $7.45.
The other store I shopped at (via computer of course) was Famous Footwear. I am part of their members program. This programs keeps tally of points. I earn 1.5 points for every dollar I spend, once I reach 100 points they send out coupons worth a certain dollar value quarterly. My family shops here about twice a year. We will gather summer shoes and maybe winter boots. That is about it. I have fallen behind on how we usually do things, so this time around I was looking for just said toddler again. Well here I purchased a pair of sandals and some tennis shoes, used our $25 coupon and a 15% + free shipping promo code that was active for that weekend. Total cost for those shoes including shipping was $15.37, it should have been $40.39 plus shipping.
That means I spent roughly $7.73 on each pair of shoe. Not too shabby. I wonder what I may accomplish if I try a little harder. Better get my scissors sharpened. What tricks of the trade do you use?
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
In the Kitchen

My kids love to be in the kitchen. I don't necessarily love it. I have a large family so to feed them in the most economical and nutrious way, I choose to find ways to become excited by it. Through trial and error our family has developed some pretty tasty recipes. I make awesome soups, the kids make banging chili, and we put together some mean roasts in our crock-pot.
There are several items that have eluded me. Most are in the backing category. So I am so grateful to PBS Parents over @ Twitter, who posted this scrumdiliuptious (not a word I know stop hate'n) recipe for soft pretzels. Who doesn't love soft pretzels!!??? I don't care that you don't you don't count!
I have a hard time finding good one. I don't like any of those franchise ones you can find at the mall, too soft and wet for me. But I can't wait until State Fair to have my tummy tickled. Here is the recipe they posted. It turned out so well. I mean good. We have tried several times before all were fails. This recipe was super easy to follow. Try it, they are also having a giveway for a pack of gourmet pretzels, mmm. If you don't enter, better for me.
I would share but they are all gone
Monday, March 14, 2011
Really......just a personal issue
Now playing: Mary J. Blige - Just Fine (Main)
via FoxyTunes
Ok, so here I go.
Have you seen this photo.
Isn't she just too cute. She is the spitting image of her very elegant mom. I am so jealous :). She IS a style icon already. The world was abuzz by this photo. The question was, is this little girl too old to be hanging on to a pacifier.
Ok just to cut to the chase. Who really cares and is it any of our business. Ooops did I say something wrong. No seriously this is what is so wrong with women in general. I mean really if Suri's teeth come in crooked due to extended pacifier use, I think they might be able to get to the orthodontist to get her fixed up. Who knows they probably already has the world's best lined up. But most importantly when whatever happens, will I be there to hold her hand, will I open the bill, will I have to nag her to keep her retainer in. Not in the slightest. So why do some many people care, because some of us women love to judge.
It is this right to a quick judgment that keeps me from playgroups, mom's meetings, breastfeeding support groups, and general society interactions. It is because of this mindset I will drive, walk, bus, out of my way to get my kids to a playground where there is no one. I don't want this same lash of criticism. If one of my children's hair is not combed. Someone's jeans are ripped, or if we wore no shoes. I could give you a milion and one reason why this may occur, all which most of you as mothers would understand. But why should I have to. Hey, you're a mom can't you dream some up. Why do you suppose that if my child's shirt is dirty, or hair is out of place, or I look run over, we feel that explains my class, culture, mother capabilities and generally whether I am worthy or not.
I usually don't say this out loud. I usually leave my antisocial behavior to me just being some type of misfit. A wonderful open blogger posted about her hermit like behaviors, and wondered why others may or may not be.
This is a large reason why I am a hermit. I never feel like I fit in. I don't fit any stereotype, genre, location, or graph. And because a certain behavior, style, or allowance of mine may overstep the boundaries of your box, I will be judged.
Me, I look at it like this. A pacifier for many older children are a security item. I am sure if she could or would have ever experienced it she would prefer her mom's bosom. Maybe she dislikes all her handlers and wishes she could just hold her mom's hand. Maybe she is frightened by all clicks and flashes she sees every time she steps out. Maybe her ears hurt her from people yelling her parents names. Maybe she wishes for longer snuggle time or co sleeping where her Mom and Dad lay in bed with her so she can feel their warmth and listen to their heartbeat and know all is well in her world. And maybe she needs an extra level of comfort before stepping out into a world that more resembles the floor of the stock exchange than a walk through central park.
These are my eyes. I wonder if the homeless lady in the tattered wool blanket who is standing in the middle of the street yelling obscenities, has family, or does she have a diagnosed mental oddity, does she love her mom, what was her childhood like.
I would do this for you as well. When your little one decides it is great timing to pitch a fit in the checkout lane of the busy grocery store, and there is no bagger in sight, and you forgot to grab that $50 your husband left on the table for you and now you are counting the change out of the bottom of your purse, of course that you have to dump out and all the contents spill loudly to the floor. I will help you pick them up. I will instruct my children to the same (all 8 of them, think of how fast it would all pick up). I would give you an understanding smile. Most of all, I would never repeat the story to anyone. What so my "friends" could laugh at how obviously disorganized, without the ability to control their child, probably on some type of assitance or fixed income, mother you are. No I wouldn't do it.
Would you do the same for me? Suri is a cutie pie, enough said.
Now playing: Mary J. Blige - Just Fine (Main)
via FoxyTunes

Ok, so here I go.
Have you seen this photo.
Isn't she just too cute. She is the spitting image of her very elegant mom. I am so jealous :). She IS a style icon already. The world was abuzz by this photo. The question was, is this little girl too old to be hanging on to a pacifier.
Ok just to cut to the chase. Who really cares and is it any of our business. Ooops did I say something wrong. No seriously this is what is so wrong with women in general. I mean really if Suri's teeth come in crooked due to extended pacifier use, I think they might be able to get to the orthodontist to get her fixed up. Who knows they probably already has the world's best lined up. But most importantly when whatever happens, will I be there to hold her hand, will I open the bill, will I have to nag her to keep her retainer in. Not in the slightest. So why do some many people care, because some of us women love to judge.
It is this right to a quick judgment that keeps me from playgroups, mom's meetings, breastfeeding support groups, and general society interactions. It is because of this mindset I will drive, walk, bus, out of my way to get my kids to a playground where there is no one. I don't want this same lash of criticism. If one of my children's hair is not combed. Someone's jeans are ripped, or if we wore no shoes. I could give you a milion and one reason why this may occur, all which most of you as mothers would understand. But why should I have to. Hey, you're a mom can't you dream some up. Why do you suppose that if my child's shirt is dirty, or hair is out of place, or I look run over, we feel that explains my class, culture, mother capabilities and generally whether I am worthy or not.
I usually don't say this out loud. I usually leave my antisocial behavior to me just being some type of misfit. A wonderful open blogger posted about her hermit like behaviors, and wondered why others may or may not be.
This is a large reason why I am a hermit. I never feel like I fit in. I don't fit any stereotype, genre, location, or graph. And because a certain behavior, style, or allowance of mine may overstep the boundaries of your box, I will be judged.
Me, I look at it like this. A pacifier for many older children are a security item. I am sure if she could or would have ever experienced it she would prefer her mom's bosom. Maybe she dislikes all her handlers and wishes she could just hold her mom's hand. Maybe she is frightened by all clicks and flashes she sees every time she steps out. Maybe her ears hurt her from people yelling her parents names. Maybe she wishes for longer snuggle time or co sleeping where her Mom and Dad lay in bed with her so she can feel their warmth and listen to their heartbeat and know all is well in her world. And maybe she needs an extra level of comfort before stepping out into a world that more resembles the floor of the stock exchange than a walk through central park.
These are my eyes. I wonder if the homeless lady in the tattered wool blanket who is standing in the middle of the street yelling obscenities, has family, or does she have a diagnosed mental oddity, does she love her mom, what was her childhood like.
I would do this for you as well. When your little one decides it is great timing to pitch a fit in the checkout lane of the busy grocery store, and there is no bagger in sight, and you forgot to grab that $50 your husband left on the table for you and now you are counting the change out of the bottom of your purse, of course that you have to dump out and all the contents spill loudly to the floor. I will help you pick them up. I will instruct my children to the same (all 8 of them, think of how fast it would all pick up). I would give you an understanding smile. Most of all, I would never repeat the story to anyone. What so my "friends" could laugh at how obviously disorganized, without the ability to control their child, probably on some type of assitance or fixed income, mother you are. No I wouldn't do it.
Would you do the same for me? Suri is a cutie pie, enough said.
You've Got Mail
Here is my 1st copy of the O Magazine Subscription. Thanks to Groupon, I was able to get a year subscription for $10! We shall see if I have time to write it.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Gracias to my Kiddos
Thanks guys for helping Dad and I get through the day. Somedays it seems like we are just coming and going. I appreciate your help. I enjoy who you are individually and am amazed at what you can do collectively.
It was with your encouragement and assistance we made it to the meeting. Thanks
A long song to let you know how I feel each day that I get to wake up and be your mother.
It was with your encouragement and assistance we made it to the meeting. Thanks
A long song to let you know how I feel each day that I get to wake up and be your mother.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Yesterday was better
than today.
Our dryer has gone out. Broken fan. This is not good in anyone's home. Of course we just compound the problem by cloth diapering 2 kiddos and have 10 beings running around here. Laundry piles up easily and very quickly. I hate seeing dirty laundry. Maybe because it is a never ending task. Don't worry there will be three loads to greet you in the morning, regardless of what you get done the night before.
I just quit a part time job. I did find something to replace with it. But of course the chaos I was attempting to leave is still nipping at my heels. The silly company has not paid me my last paycheck. Of course I get the proverbial "the checks in the mail".
The other parts of my day went well. I had the energy to smile and engage with the kids. Teeth brushed, hair combed, dressed and the little ones were off. The older children were great helpers to me. Toward the evening I was just wiped out.
My former midwife, soon to be preceptor stopped by for a chat. It was great talking with her. I am such a hermit I may go literally months without talking to a girlfriend "really talking" and than when I finally get to sit and chat I feel like I missed it.
Hubby made it through 2 jobs today. I was able to see him briefly in between. I hope he is able to sleep well tonight. I hope I am as I have a double myself to look forward to.
Our dryer has gone out. Broken fan. This is not good in anyone's home. Of course we just compound the problem by cloth diapering 2 kiddos and have 10 beings running around here. Laundry piles up easily and very quickly. I hate seeing dirty laundry. Maybe because it is a never ending task. Don't worry there will be three loads to greet you in the morning, regardless of what you get done the night before.
I just quit a part time job. I did find something to replace with it. But of course the chaos I was attempting to leave is still nipping at my heels. The silly company has not paid me my last paycheck. Of course I get the proverbial "the checks in the mail".
The other parts of my day went well. I had the energy to smile and engage with the kids. Teeth brushed, hair combed, dressed and the little ones were off. The older children were great helpers to me. Toward the evening I was just wiped out.
My former midwife, soon to be preceptor stopped by for a chat. It was great talking with her. I am such a hermit I may go literally months without talking to a girlfriend "really talking" and than when I finally get to sit and chat I feel like I missed it.
Hubby made it through 2 jobs today. I was able to see him briefly in between. I hope he is able to sleep well tonight. I hope I am as I have a double myself to look forward to.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
So it Begins
This may be some sort of beginning. It may some sort of end. It could be really good. I know there will be some bad.
My husband will embark on a quest to work 80 hours a week for a sustained period. I already work about 55 hours each week. My dear dear hubby has many aspirations, purchasing a home, a reliable car, emergency fund. Nothing too extravagant but things that, after almost a year of unemployment is not so quickly attained. He has finally, with much input from me, come to see that no amount of quick fast cash or dreams will remedy his cravings. One thing and one thing alone will get him to his goals, his finish line...hard work.

I will assist my wonderful partner in the many ways I can, and you dear reader will be able to laugh as I fall, become annoyed, complete a challenge and scrap the whole darn thing and start over again. See, we have 8 children, yes 8. So this has to be a well oiled machine. Uh, and I am not well at anything. But if nothing else has this is a push, a kick to get back to full time home cooked meals, regular cleaning schedule, lesson planning, family study and game nights.
So this is how it goes.
My husband will embark on a quest to work 80 hours a week for a sustained period. I already work about 55 hours each week. My dear dear hubby has many aspirations, purchasing a home, a reliable car, emergency fund. Nothing too extravagant but things that, after almost a year of unemployment is not so quickly attained. He has finally, with much input from me, come to see that no amount of quick fast cash or dreams will remedy his cravings. One thing and one thing alone will get him to his goals, his finish line...hard work.

I will assist my wonderful partner in the many ways I can, and you dear reader will be able to laugh as I fall, become annoyed, complete a challenge and scrap the whole darn thing and start over again. See, we have 8 children, yes 8. So this has to be a well oiled machine. Uh, and I am not well at anything. But if nothing else has this is a push, a kick to get back to full time home cooked meals, regular cleaning schedule, lesson planning, family study and game nights.
So this is how it goes.
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