Monday, October 1, 2012

A Second Choice

So this second potential job, pays more almost $400.00 more montly and includes great benefits, health, dental, life insurance, std and ltd, etc. The only thing I worried about was if I could do the work. This job is a production job, so time and quantiy is of the essence. I have not worked in such an environment in many moons. I have enjoyed my low key lesiure jobs with lots of down time. Remember, I am a mom of 7 at home who are educated at home. So I have spent time researching, lesson planning, and preparing. If I would chose a job that now actually takes up the entire eight hours that I am there, where in the world am I going to find time to do my planning. Also I have to consider my mental well being. Will I be able to handle the stress of being under a task master and continue to perform well at home. Unfortunately these thoughts sit behind the fact that I need to feed my family. So montegary gains trumps the rest at times. I made decision to quit the first job I had and head into training with this second job opportunity. To leave Social Security alone and stand on my own two feet. I may really fall. Winter is coming and my depression gets worst during this season. But I am okay with the decision I have made. I feel good about being an active participant in my life. I also feel good about where I am placing myself and my family. So now on to my regular scheduled programs.

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