The week of April 3rd:
Purchase of $11.99 Tea Tree Oil, we make most of our own cleaning supplies. So this item is indeed a house item, a consumable. I don't tend buy organic simply because of price. The same size bottle organic would cost $29.99. Now that I think of it we make ALL of our cleaning supplies except laundry and cloth diapering soaps.
Purchase of $31.45 for math books. We school all year round and main subject items are purchased as needed.
While the last two items are necessary for the learning at home family. I still want to create a budget for these items. I want to have the money actually on hand, a line item budget item. I am not there yet but I hope to be by June.
I'll need to check with our dear leader in this matter as to if we should post all things we purchase or just the extras...hmm
I think this is really good! Everything you bought is either something consumable or something for homeschooling. I agree that a homeschool budget can quickly get out of control, thankfully grandparents send us mot of our supplies. I've been posting extras, the food I listed last week was from a restaurant and the bus ride was to a place that we normally walk.