It's time again. Time to reveal 5 little known facts about you, your family, maybe your job, your childhood, whatever you may see fit. This little ditty was started over at Simple City Life, please join in.
#Many people feel that my religion does not believe in Jesus. We certainly do believe in Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior.
#After being thoroughly planted and raised in one house, one city, for over twenty years, I cut loose and have spent time in AZ, CO, MN, and CA.
#I have worked 3rd shift for over 10 years and it has now become part of my fiber and personality.
#When I was younger, I would dream of my future family. It was made of 12 children, which were all twins, 6 sets, a boy and a girl in each set and for some strange reason...there was always a red head in there.
Go check Simple City Life's Facts and let's hear yours..
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