Monday, August 5, 2013

Ok, so I'm little focused on couponing right now.  Blame it on my brain, it's weird that way.

I'm am trying to understand how to follow sale cycles while on a budget.  We have been trying to get back into the groove the envelope system.  Which is a little more difficult in this age of online everything.  So I'm making adjustments and trying to figure it all out.  I am working on coming up with an amount for our envelopes while using coupons.  If I say I can put $20 a month for hygiene products, that means literally $20 goes into an envelope no more no less.  Well, I am confused as to how this is going to work with trying to attack sales and deals.   Like the sale I found at Walgreen's on deodorant, do I buy enough for a year, or a "sale cycle"  which some say is 6 - 8 weeks.  What happens if my whole $20 goes to this deal on deodorant and I need to buy toothpaste 2 weeks later?  Is it better to just simply stick  to the Dollar Store?

I'm dizzy now, I'm going to lay down.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Case Against Couponing

I have been really looking at my finances and trying to find ways to cut back on expenses. Aren't we always.  When the paycheck runs out you think...where did it go? I usually find some sort of guilt feeling thinking I should have found better ways to spend my money or it some cases my hubby's.

So as everyone does I look at our food cost.  There has to be a way to make the dollar last a little longer, stretch just a tab bit further in this category.  So I once again delved into the arena of coupons.  No I don't want to come out spending zero dollars spent.  I have a small ethical and moral itch when ignoring a coupon directive that state"ONLY ONE PER HOUSEHOLD".  I do believe though I could still attempt to shave off let's say 20% off my food bill.

So I collected newspapers, gleamed over online databases, printed printables, and downloaded apps. As I sat matching coupons and offers to listed sale prices I could really see the savings.  But I also noticed something else.  My anxiety was up, I could actually feel my heart beating.  It easily took me three hours or more to prepare for one semi weekly food trip.  While I was walking through the store, I would become irritable when the item was sold old.  Or I would begin to sweat as I was ringing up four separate purchases to get that deal, while visible annoyed customers stood behind me.  I also looked at the time I would need to spend going to multiple stores and the gas spent, I thought well isn't this a pickle.  Am I really saving,  or better yet what am I saving.

Case in point,is the time my son and I spent in Walgreens, Target and Pick N Save trying to verify if we were really getting a deal on some deodrant.  You would think with three coupons and an in store sale you would have to be.  But no it wasn't.  At least not to me.  And you know what looked what happened or another day when I was minding my own business and walked into a nearby Walgreens...

On my way to errand that has been on my to do list all week, now here was a deal.  All that time I spent matching and ink used printing, and with no real effort I find a name brand product at a price and size that I would consider a deal.

No I won't say I am giving up couponing, but I definitely will not let it loose my stride.

Monday, April 15, 2013

How many days to form a habit?

Cluttered brain
Cluttered brain (Photo credit: ali eminov)
My head is usually jam packed with thoughts, ideas, plans.  However my freeway system up there is in need of bit of an update.  All that stuff in my brain, never gets a chance to get out and become part of my or anyone else's life.

I was supposed to call
I should have done that yesterday
I forgot the Rx at home, while I'm standing in line at the pharmacy
5:30pm and what's for dinner

I have had enough!  I see this behavior is adding so much stress and concern in my life.  My plan (here we go again) is to get myself organized and start moving.  I know one of my many stumbling blocks is the sheer amount of things I have and want to accomplish daily if not hourly.  I will have to to break down things into a smaller more doable lists.

I will consolidate my steps, to save money on gas, and cause less havoc on me.  You know running to drop someone off at an activity only to get home realizing you forgot to pick up milk.  No more.  So anytime I leave the house I will have a list of things that need to be done, I will collect all the needed items to complete the tasks and than I will head out.

I will use commuting or downtime to listen to encouraging, educational, or spiritual context.  This will help keep my mind focused.  It will be a little bit of "car-schooling".

Lastly and this is a mighty one.  No more eating out.  The worse thing is you won't find me stuck too many times in the drive thru line.  But geesh, it's those last minute cravings that seem to come out of nowhere and I just grab something.  So I will always leave the house with water and at least one snack.  I also need to come up with a list of healthy clean eating snacks for myself.

Now that it is down in writing maybe you can help hold me a little more accountable.

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Saturday, March 9, 2013

What's Cooking

Another Day, Another Cookbook

So here is another recipe from a new cookbook of mine entitled "The Best Casserole Cookbook Ever".  Here is how it began.

Because I am superduper, lazy, busy, creative I morphed the recipe into a slow cooker item. 

Not bad if I do say so myself.

Homeschool Mother’s Journal: March 9, 2013

  • In my life this week, I did a pretty good job of getting the home-maker groove on again.  Lunches, dinner, breakfasts even snacks all made all on time.  I hope to continue this mode and begin to add my other duties to umm cleaning.
  • In our homeschool this week we had a good start this month.  We did some creative writing assignments, worked on our astronomy cards, and the kids have been digging into their assigned books.
  • Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share no advice I am chaotic, inconsistent and rather boring.  How about don't be like me.
  • Places we’re going and people we’re seeing we have made it to our gym, art, acting, and dance classes.  I watch as the kids enjoy having an expectation of things to come.
  • My favorite thing this week was I think it was just be able to complete some personal schooling and home goals I had set for myself.
  • My kiddos favorite thing this week was it was either art or gym class.  
  • Things I’m working on I need to clean and organize.  I will be doing this late into the night tonight.
  • I’m cooking thankfully with all those dinners I have made, we are having leftovers.
  • I’m grateful for the opportunity and the ability to look, observe and change.
  • I rewarded my kids this week by Friday is usually a day off with games as long as behavior stayed in line.  And it did, so they played.
  • Something I am ogling or have my eye on a bread machine..
  • A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)

    • Monday, March 4, 2013

      Week of March 4

      I wanted to share some of my plans for the week. 

      The month of March we will be looking at astronomy.  We are using these calendar printouts to learn daily facts.  The older children will complete a lap book and a ecourse on the solar system, while the younger ones will work on various "packs" found on the internet.  We are using 3 Dinosaurs' first.  We will read through several fiction and nonfiction books.

      This first week the young ones will read and do activities on The Snowy Day.  The classics will be the focus of the others. 

      We will begin our US Geography work using the following items.

      Confessions of a Homeschoolers

      Primary Graffiti

      We will also use Erica's Composers curriculum

      Our first batch of Noeo Science products arrived,so we will crack them open as week.

      And that about does it for the new things we will attempt to add into our day.  What about you?

      Sunday, March 3, 2013

      What's Cooking - Sunday Brunch Episode

      Cover of "Joy of Cooking"
      Cover of Joy of Cooking
      I received a gift a couple of weeks ago from my dear husband.  He knows me.  I covet cookbooks.

       All of them.  Any kind, any size, any topic,  though I do prefer lots of pictures.  However as I type that I realize my favorite cookbook is The Joy of Cooking and that has no pictures. 

      This is the newest addition to my collection.  I attempted the Gratin of Eggs, Leeks, Bacon, and St. Andre Cheese.  Yes that is actually the name of it.  Can you guess what's in it?  The only other significant item is half and half.  And here are my results. 

      Here is an after shot.  Yummy.  I made two servings for our family size.  I will also say this was not a winner with the younger ones.

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      Friday, March 1, 2013